Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

25 November 2011

Romancing The Chocolate: Flourless Chocolate Cake and Mocha Buttercream Icing

Chocolate Raspberry Mosaic

Romancing The Chocolate: Flourless Chocolate Cake and Mocha Buttercream Icing: From Denny: Check out this all time favorite - the flourless chocolate cake. This time it's paired with another favorite flavor - the all important coffee! Somehow, I just have to figure out how to grow coffee beans in my back yard. Can you imagine how sweet that would be to pick your own beans and then roast them? While we are dreaming we might as well include our own cocoa plants, right? Hey, "Go BIG or go home!" :)

Happy Holidays and thank you for all your support this year!
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Romancing The Chocolate: Black Raspberry Chocolate Macadamia Cookies

black raspberries

Romancing The Chocolate: Black Raspberry Chocolate Macadamia Cookies: From Denny: Who doesn't love raspberries for the holidays? This cookie is dripping with butter, chocolate goodness, black raspberry liqueur and chock full of macadamia nuts. Not a lot of sugar and flour either to make them.

It's a rich cookie - but easy to make - to impress your family and friends. Of course, that's if they ever get a chance to taste them! Beware of the kitchen cookie gremlins. They lurk in the most unexpected places. :)
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24 November 2011

17 November 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 Nov 2011

Cover of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart...

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 Nov 2011: From Denny: Check out blog posts on photography, arts, food, news, politics, a huge amount of humor - especially the political pundits, poetry, astronomy, quotes, music, spiritual and just about anything else that catches my eclectic interest. Can you tell that 140 characters just doesn't work for me? :)

The last posts roundup I did was back in June and we sure are overdue like a long pregnancy. Be sure to bookmark this post as you will enjoy endless hours of laughing while you absorb some good information.

Most of the blog posts are at my flagship blog that spun off into the other 20, The Social Poets, where the news crashes into humor. I even manage to write a few in-depth news posts, slicing and dicing the BS that passes for truth these days on the airwaves.

And to think I do all this in my spare time... Hope you enjoy!

14 November 2011

Thanksgiving: Bourbon Cornish Hens, Mushroom Stuffing

A collection of dried mushrooms.                   Image via WikipediaFrom Denny:  Our local newspaper, The Advocate, was running this tasty recipe last month and it sure caught my attention as a tasty alternative to the typical huge honking turkey bird for the holidays.

Here, in the South, bourbon is part of the holiday festivities.  Why not try using it for the hens?  Works for me.  I like my drunken chicken that is swimming in port wine.  Bourbon sounds like fun!  Who knew bourbon only tasted good in a glass, in a Christmas fruitcake or better yet - in a bread pudding sauce? :)

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