Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

31 March 2011

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup

Stephen Colbert arrives at Al Faw Palace at Ca...Image by DVIDSHUB via Flickr

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup: "Check out what the comedians lampoon about The Peace President, Obama, going into Libya. Boy, I tell ya, a guy tries to help out some desperate people in a foreign country from getting slaughtered and all he gets is flak from the Republicans and comedians.

Of course, like so many sticky political situations, it's all about The Ego. The mostly male media ratchets up The Ego Meter by declaring Prez Obama is a wimp if he doesn't succeed at deposing Gadafi now that he's declared, 'Gadafi must go!' So, suddenly out come The Big Guns: the CIA operatives magicly appear in Libya 'advising' the rebel forces. Read that as, 'These guys are so clueless the only way to keep them alive is knock some sense into them and show them how to win.'"

24 March 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Post Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 24 March 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Post Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 24 March 2011: "Check out news, politics, great food, funny political humor, sassy opinion, astronomy and science, great quotes,  awesome photography, poetry and spiritual thoughts.

Sometimes, I think if I didn't do posts roundup on all these crazy blogs I would never realize just how much I've been writing or on what subjects as the writing moves so quickly. The news is running at a rapid rate these days with all the revolutions in the Middle East and destructive world weather.

Fortunately, we have the comedians and the chefs to perk up our spirits and tantalize our taste buds so we don't get overwhelmed with too much negativity in the news and our politics."

23 March 2011

Grilling Steaks: Tips, Cooking Times, Great Sauces

Porterhouse SteakGrilled porterhouse steak Image by Dave Kliman via Flickr 

From Denny:  Want to learn the best tips for grilling that perfect steak? Warm weather - and a hearty  pollen season - have arrived here in south Louisiana and our thoughts are already turning to grilling season. If you want to perfect your technique, learn how to make a perfect French classic sauce in the blender or brush up on your steak cooking knowledge, then read on. Oh, and no drooling allowed. :)

Grilled Steak Menu

■ Filet, Porterhouse or New York strip.


■ Béarnaise Sauce.

■ Sautéed Mushrooms.

■ Blue Cheese Butter.

What steaks do most people enjoy?

It's about personal preference and how big a portion you can eat.  Look for good marbling in the meat and are bright red in color.  The less marbling of fat the leaner - and sometimes tougher - will be the meat.  Filet is a far leaner steak and it's advisable to rub it with a bit of olive oil before grilling so it will stay moist during the cooking process.

Most popular steak cuts: 

New York Strip - very meaty flavor with bone in
Porterhouse - very meaty flavor too
Filet - tender, juicy, foolproof to grill in a pan or outside on the grill

22 March 2011

Readers Recipes: Apple Upside-Down Caramel Cake, Louises Birthday Cake

Caramel apple upside down cakeImage by Mrs J Park via Flickr
From Denny:  Upside-down cake is one of the first cakes I learned to make when I was a child.  They were so easy and even smelled good as you assembled them into the iron skillet which was our pan of choice.

This apple caramel cake is unusual in that it employs canned sweet potatoes too.  We love our sweet potatoes in Louisiana and eat them all year long, finding new ways to use them.  This is the first I've seen used in an upside-down cake.  Everyone knows that brown sugar and sweet potatoes are a natural and perfect taste combination!

The second recipe for an unusual birthday cake uses a spice cake mix and pumpkin pie filling.  That makes for a dense moist cake topped by cream cheese icing  - low fat cream cheese and low fat whipped topping, of course. :) To gild the lily the special cake is topped off with white chocolate bark.

17 March 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 3 Funny St. Patricks Day Posts, Lots of Quotes

ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE 2007 - DUBLINImage by infomatique via Flickr
Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 3 Funny St. Patricks Day Posts, Lots of Quotes
" Green hats are cool - if you are Irish. Well, someone tell that Irishman not to go to China. Why? Turns out 'the wearing of the green (hat)' is a cultural sign to society that..."

Yeah, this was a "teaser" and you have to go to my blog to read the rest of the post. And, yes, there was one Mary O'Brien in the family tree a while ago. She must have passed down her teasing sense of humor. :)
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