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13 December 2011

Romancing The Chocolate: Cookies: Chocolate Bliss

Semi-sweet chocolate chips
Image via Wikipedia
Romancing The Chocolate: Cookies: Chocolate Bliss: From Denny: A melt-in-your-mouth cookie favorite. A local food writer received it from a friend in Nashville, Tennessee. "And she told two friends - and she told two friends..." :) This cookie has been making the rounds with chocolate foodies.

It's an easy recipe, fast enough to whip up for the holidays. Part of what makes this cookie so delectable is that half of the chocolate chips are melted and added to the batter along with the unmelted ones. It's like what chef Paul Prudhomme practiced with the concept of layering the same taste in a dish.
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05 December 2011

Comfort Food From Louisiana: Cajun Red Beans and Rice

Mulate's famous red beans & rice with sausage,...
Image via Wikipedia
Comfort Food From Louisiana: Cajun Red Beans and Rice: From Denny: Red Bean and Rice is a traditional recipe in Louisiana that was the original Wash Day food every Monday, in every household in New Orleans, rich or poor. These beans could simmer on the stove for hours, leaving time for household chores.

Living in Louisiana, sometimes I forget some people don't know how to make this simple delicious dish. It's seems when I am researching up pops something else that I just know you will want to see.

I've been thinking lately of how to get more beans into our diet by adding to traditional recipes and found some awesome recipes from the various bean grower sites that I will be featuring soon on all my food blogs. If you are not yet sold on beans as a healthy and inexpensive food, this dish would be a great introduction.
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02 December 2011

Romancing The Chocolate: Awesome Chocolate Pecan Tart

Romancing The Chocolate: Awesome Chocolate Pecan Tart: From Denny: This easy tart combines two of my favorite flavors - chocolate and pecans. Louisiana Bergeron pecans are wonderful if you can get them where you live. If not, just look for the freshest ones, even asking your grocer when a new shipment is due.

Pecans exude such a wonderful aroma when roasting in the oven that is hard to resist. Make sure you slightly warm the dessert when you serve it for the holidays. That's how we like it at our house! :)
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01 December 2011

Romancing The Chocolate: Cookies: Mini-Chocolate Chip Dipped Shortbread Sticks


Romancing The Chocolate: Cookies: Mini-Chocolate Chip Dipped Shortbread Sticks: From Denny: Do you like to bake shortbread cookies for the holidays? Here is a new twist - literally - on the idea. When you cut the dough into rectangles you twist them before baking, then dip in chocolate. How pretty is that for a holiday gathering?!

30 November 2011

Romancing The Chocolate: From Silver Palate Restaurant Sheila Lukins: Sticky Toffee Date Cake

Dates and Yogurt

Romancing The Chocolate: From Silver Palate Restaurant Sheila Lukins: Sticky Toffee Date Cake: From Denny: Dates are loved around the world. In the Middle East they are a traditional part of the culture, offered as a sign of hospitality. Dates are served with strong black coffee and sometimes yogurt to balance the intense sweetness.

We love them in America too, especially here in Louisiana, and we never miss a chance to check out a cake recipe featuring them. One beautiful characteristic of dates is that cakes like this freeze well and can be enjoyed months later.

This recipe is from a long time famous food writer, Sheila Lukins. Read on to find out about her many cookbooks she has authored as she has worked for Parade Magazine and co-founded the restaurant takeout shop at the Silver Palate Restaurant.
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