Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

17 April 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 April 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 17 April 2011: "While the Japanese nuclear crisis continues unabated, the rest of the world has moved on, dreading the inevitable. At the moment the world community has pressured Japan to come up with a plan to contain or deal with the crisis over a nine month period.

Why the same people are in charge of this mess that created the mess is a mystery. It's as foolish as it was to trust BP to clean up the oil spill disaster in my own Gulf of Mexico. Serious hardships still exist as a result of President Obama and BP refusing to do what it takes to make things right, especially in Louisiana.

At the very least the President could do is refuse to allow BP access to any of America's oil fields on or off shore. The company has simply not earned the right to drill for oil on American soil or in our oceans."

09 April 2011

The Soul Calendar: Funny Crazy Technology and Social Media Cartoons

LAS VEGAS - JANUARY 07: A CES attendee takes ...Chevy Volt Image by Getty Images via @daylife

The Soul Calendar: Funny Crazy Technology and Social Media Cartoons: "Check out the silly funnies I found this week!

So, let us begin at the beginning when man first invented technology. OK, man has not changed much in several thousand years. He still loves his wheels to look good for the babes in the neighborhood..."

01 April 2011

The Social Poets: 12 Best of The Web Funny April Fools Day: Pranked, Spoofed and Trashed

The Social Poets: 12 Best of The Web Funny April Fools Day: Pranked, Spoofed and Trashed: "There are those among us - of a cheeky bent - who look forward to this one day a year when people forgive us for pranking them. Today the web was full of April Fool's Day fun from every angle, a real bumper crop of craziness!

1 - First up: Google leads the fun with their prank about their new feature of 'motion-controlled' email. After all, typing on a keyboard is 'so last century,' right? And Google says it's also 'outdated' and 'inefficient.'

'To open a message make a movement as if you were opening an envelope. To reply, simply point backward with your thumb,' Google says in a video demonstration. More instructions? 'To reply all, use both hands. To send a message, lick a stamp and place it down.'

Well, you too can look like a complete fool by believing this satire and standing up in your office cubicle on Freaky Friday and get elected Fool Of The Day by using various body language to instruct your computer. It's like using cat body language to write an email. Hey, whatever floats your boat."

31 March 2011

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup

Stephen Colbert arrives at Al Faw Palace at Ca...Image by DVIDSHUB via Flickr

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup: "Check out what the comedians lampoon about The Peace President, Obama, going into Libya. Boy, I tell ya, a guy tries to help out some desperate people in a foreign country from getting slaughtered and all he gets is flak from the Republicans and comedians.

Of course, like so many sticky political situations, it's all about The Ego. The mostly male media ratchets up The Ego Meter by declaring Prez Obama is a wimp if he doesn't succeed at deposing Gadafi now that he's declared, 'Gadafi must go!' So, suddenly out come The Big Guns: the CIA operatives magicly appear in Libya 'advising' the rebel forces. Read that as, 'These guys are so clueless the only way to keep them alive is knock some sense into them and show them how to win.'"

24 March 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Post Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 24 March 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Post Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 24 March 2011: "Check out news, politics, great food, funny political humor, sassy opinion, astronomy and science, great quotes,  awesome photography, poetry and spiritual thoughts.

Sometimes, I think if I didn't do posts roundup on all these crazy blogs I would never realize just how much I've been writing or on what subjects as the writing moves so quickly. The news is running at a rapid rate these days with all the revolutions in the Middle East and destructive world weather.

Fortunately, we have the comedians and the chefs to perk up our spirits and tantalize our taste buds so we don't get overwhelmed with too much negativity in the news and our politics."
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