Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Showing posts with label political opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political opinion. Show all posts

24 April 2010

Whats Happening in America This Week - Political Cartoons 24 Apr 2010

From Denny: In the interest of getting these pages to load faster for you I thought I'd try something different. You know about the traveling dinner concept? That's where you go to one person's house for the opening cocktail or appetizer, then travel on to another house for a salad, then somewhere else for the entree and finally the dessert.

Well, since I have such a love of the satire from clever political cartoonists lampooning our society, current culture and politics the weekly posts have gotten far too long. Fun but long. So, I thought I'd treat you to a traveling post among my various blogs to enjoy the flavors at each "house."

In this "house" post weapons seem to be the main theme: Iran working on becoming a nuclear state, concealed weapons carried by college students on campus and coffee drinkers into Starbucks coffee shops. It's no big surprise that NASA and the Air Force are preparing to weaponize space. More weapons loose on deck are the "nuclear option" of the Republican filibuster, the financial sledgehammer from Wall Street bankers and - leading up to celebration of Earth Day - planet Earth setting off the Icelandic volcano to scream its message of "Enough already with the fossil fuels, people!" Yeah, that Iceland volcano sure got the attention of the airline industry. It cost $200 million per day worldwide, wrecking a weak economy in Europe and America.

Check out what the cartoonists had to say about this week's news...

Where Obama, the Tea Party, Nukes and NASA intersect:

Congress and their voting dilemmas:

Oh, NASA, Oh, NASA, where art thou?

Our Earth:

*** Check out the rest of the Saturday series of political cartoons this week:

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

College Grads Chances of Finding Jobs: Political Cartoons

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

Ridiculous Outrageous Extra Airline Fees: Political Cartoons

Cool Earth Day Links, Message From Our Prez

The Smallest Earth Day Poem - Libations Friday 16 Apr 2010

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

19 April 2010

Outrageous Tea Party Tax Signs and the Perverted Fools That Carry Them

From Denny: This past week the Tea Party was out in full force doing their usual antics. Many thought they could spell and make awesome political statements most profound on their signs.

Yes, folks, these people were actually caught in public wielding these idiot signs no self-respecting orangutan would venture. I know animals at the zoo smarter than these people who claim to be human.

It's a sad day when America is reduced to this excuse for political discourse. But then again, humor blogs like mine are thrilled for the easy lob over the net they handed me for an hilarious post! After all, it's only fair: they mock liberals so it's our turn to mock them. And they made it so very easy because they really mocked themselves. And I have the photos to prove it:

Oh, look! A Fox "News" employee seen carrying booster signs for the Network of Fools:

And who died and made this guy God of the Universe? Like God really told him this. "Do ya think?" he could be cousin to TV televangelist Pat Hate Them All Robertson? Rather amazing just how much God gets misquoted - and always by the meanest people?

The very reason these people are so screwed up: they can't spell! And the news media is trying to convince us these guys are mostly college graduates??? Uh, they should get their money back from those lame colleges if that is true...

So, they are proud to be stupid, ignorant and suffering from a lack of curiosity to find out the truth and get their facts straight? These guys specialize in being contentious, not smart nor interested in solving the problems of the country they claim to love. Well, if they loved this country they would be more respectful to their President and their fellow Americans who are also represented by the same flag. You can't respect a symbol and not respect the very people who are that symbol. It's disingenuous. Republican political strategists: playing destructive games as usual.

Have you noticed what is wrong with this photo? This racist doesn't have a "Kick me, I'm too stupid to read and find out the facts" sign pinned to his shirt so he can find his way home.

Last time I checked Jesus Christ said, "Do not resent or hold back the taxes you owe to your government: Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's."

This nurse has been working waaaay too many hours:

Ah, the Cult of the Brainwashed:

Uh, yeah, lady, your Republican Party is the government group that paid for all those pole dances at the strip club with your donations - while Democratic Speaker Pelosi was home, fully clothed, minding her own business and watching over her grand kids. Hmmm... "Do ya think?" we have a morality divide going on?

More from the Cult of the Brainwashed who believed the lies Sarah Palin told them about the health care bill contained Death Panels for the government to kill your grandparents. "Do ya think?" they could bother to actually read the health care bill to realize there were no Death Panels whatsoever in the new health care bill just passed? Did they flunk Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking 101?

A vulgar pun on the word "dictator." These guys must have dementia. Last time I checked elections vote in a President. Dictators use military coups to take over governments. These guys are just angry they don't get to be the dictators. They are angry because no one takes them seriously any more. They make selfish decisions that only benefit a few wallets and then wonder why no one listens to their madman ravings.

Let me see if I get this right: "Obama wants to take away our guns." Let's try this again, folks. Obama gets a flunking grade from those groups who do want to take guns out of the hands of crazy fools like these Tea Party wing nuts. Yet another lie believed by the Non-Thinkers. It really makes you wonder if we should start making people pass IQ tests before allowing them into the voting booth for the next election. That ought to give them something to howl about for sure.

All this recent polls and news coverage garbage that the average Tea Party person is college educated is more stupidity from the media wanting to use the Tea Party for their outrageous wing nut image to promote news viewership. How can anyone graduate college without good reading comprehension? Come on; try again, oh, marketing gurus.

Starbucks was offended when people wearing guns came into their coffee shops and banned them. There was a big fury over it. So, this guy thinks he's funny and does not have to respect the business owners' rules. He can just make up the rules as he goes along and everyone is expected to obey him because he's the one wearing the gun. Think again, wing nut. Point that gun at me and I'll take that as an invitation to take it away from you - and I ain't talking about making new gun laws either.

More from the Cult of the Brainwashed of lying "facts" probably cut and pasted off of the Fox "News" site or other domestic terrorist militia sites. This sign is such an idiot thinking statement there is nothing to do but spit on it for its inane inaccuracies:

Oh, look at this zoo of pretend Christians. The reason Republicans so hate Speaker Nancy Pelosi is because she was tough enough to get almost 300 bills passed in the House, turning the screamer Republicans on their ears. Notice how the Republicans use poisonous character assassination politics to further their agendas to regain political power. These people and their toxic followers always turn on fellow Americans, don't care about fellow Americans, issue death threats against fellow Americans and deny respect to other fellow Americans but demand respect for themselves. What's wrong with this picture? Answer: a lot!

More from the Sarah Palin Fan Club of Fools. Hmmm... so where were these "concerned citizens about America's debt" when George Bush was in office for eight long years? He took a country in the black to a country owing trillions of dollars in only a year of his "stewardship." Why were these same Tea Party people not riled up and angry about Bush and Cheney spending their tax dollars recklessly? Somehow, all this rhetoric about hating taxes is just a smoke screen for wanting someone to abuse, hate and use for their personal punching bags like typical abusers.

The Lying Liars and the Liars Who Love Them = Tea Party and Republican Party:

Woman, if you are a domestic goddess then it must be the Goddess of Meanness and Stupidity, one for each gun barrel:

Can you imagine walking around wearing such a ridiculous sweatshirt emblazoned with a Sarah Palin saying? Another member of the Cult of the Brainwashed:

Straight from the hating racist hearts who are actually speaking the truth about themselves. Clever they are not. These days the Ku Klux Klan (KKK for hip short) is parading around without their white hoods:

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17 April 2010

Whats Happening in America This Week - Political Cartoons 17 Apr 2010

From Denny: This has been quite the eventful news cycle. The terrible tragedy that happened to Poland, losing all their top leaders all at once, was quite a shock. Now with the Icelandic volcano spewing ash all across northern Europe it's impossible even for President Obama to cross the Atlantic and fly in for the state funeral. Many leaders could not attend. Perhaps this was meant to be a private moment just for the Polish people...

The week was also dominated by President Obama meeting with other world leaders in a nuclear summit to determine what they will do to curb their own stockpiles as well as prevent proliferation - notably volatile irrational Iran.

The wing nut brigade returns center stage to blast any quality nominees for the Supreme Court replacement of Justice Stevens as he retires. And why does the President even listen to these guys? These are the same people who encourage their followers to issue death threats to Democrats and the President on a regular basis. They are inciting civil war, one not of political fights but of blood. Why would anyone consider their desires when they are the same people trying to kill you?

The tax season wound up this week too, much to everyone's relief - until next year's annoying frustration. :) Cartoonists were still churning out some goodies concerning tax season to make you laugh till your sides hurt.

Obama also announced this week cuts and redirection of the NASA program. Sounds like he cut off at the knees the Bush and Cheney paychecks of those excessive over run programs like the Constellation. We all knew that eventually something would have to give over at NASA. I would hope we do not turn too much of our security and scientific advancement over to private business that could end up like Wall Street: a gorilla too big to tame. Perhaps a cautionary tale, Mr. President?

Tiger Woods was back in the news for returning to golf to play the Masters tournament he did not win. The cartoonists had fun lampooning his return.

Make sure to visit back here next week. The best is yet to come: oh, baby, the cartoonists will be lampooning Wall Street and Goldman Sachs for their recent indictment by the government for just the beginning of their sleaze and fraud. There should be high drama this next week in the news and the cartoons to follow will prove entertaining! :)

Hope everyone is having a great weekend with the advent of the warmer Spring weather! Enjoy the cartoonists and their commentary...

In honor of Poland's terrible tragedy this week of losing their President, First Lady and heads of all their government agencies in one shocking unbelievable plane crash:

Choosing a new Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Stevens who is retiring:

As usual the Republican cartoonists just have to be nasty about Hillary. They really do have a "hate on" for the Clintons:

Those pesky little governments causing so many problems in the world:


Oh, those wing nut Republicans:

Remnants of the Holocaust:

More iPad funnies:

Where science meets the tax season:

Controversial NASA cutbacks:

First there was airport security now there's volcano terrorism:

Tiger Woods is baaaack!

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
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