*** Here's an easy summer muffin to beat the heat!
Photo by Denny Lyon
From Denny: Every now and then I take a break from writing all day - and bake! How many times have you found yourself all ready to enjoy some "food of love" time only to realize you are out of key ingredients? Not one to run to the grocery store in 106 degree heat index summer weather (see amusing poem), well, I got creative. :)
What I was wanting to bake was a simple sour cream breakfast muffin to go with Earl Grey tea. Of course, there was not enough sour cream - but hey, wait! There in the back of the fridge was a huge honking container of low-fat vanilla yogurt! Perfect. Of course, since it was low-fat then I would have to add back in some fat since this was a muffin.
Knowing how tart yogurt can be I added a bit extra sugar to the recipe. I like things just sweet enough but if you are a sweet person (and I know you are) you might like to use the top end of the sugar advised. Most people prefer things sweeter than I do. I've got way too many adult onset diabetics in my family that I've always taken precautions not to end up like them: miserable. But if this is not an issue for you, then by all means, indulge a little! :)
My husband kept asking me to place some dried pineapple in the muffins. Normally, I like dried cranberries or dried blueberries and they are wonderful. But this package of dried pineapple was just too sweet for me so I hit on the obvious idea to re-hydrate them. The softer pineapple in the muffin is divine and gives a hint of sweetness. You might prefer the dried pineapple, your choice. Fresh pineapple would be even more awesome though you would need to dry it off to get off excess moisture.
I like to clarify my butter, removing the milk solids which cause cholesterol problems. Frankly, I just like the taste of browned milk solids when the clarified butter goes to the dark brown stage. Folks in India call it "ghee." Just strain all the browned bits that mostly fall to the bottom of the pan. You can use this butter now for just about anything: frying your morning eggs, sauting veggies, put some on an uncooked pizza paired with a bit of extra virgin olive oil.
Lots of possibilities and clarified butter lasts longer. You can even freeze it for later. This clarified brown butter tastes divine in sweet baked goods too so I placed some in this recipe. If you don't have the time to clarify your butter, you can use it as is or just use all canola oil. Canola oil is wonderful for baked goods because it has a neutral flavor and is easily paired with a lot.
If you like a strong flavor of nutmeg, which imparts an intense fresh taste, use the full amount called for in the recipe. If you prefer your muffins less intense, a bit plainer, then use only half the amount called for in the recipe. Remember, if you want to bake these and place them in the freezer then it would be wise to use less nutmeg. Nutmeg has the habit of screaming at you if it has a chance to settle in and live a while before dining on the muffins. If you are eating the muffins fresh and within a day or two, even when stored covered in the fridge, then the stronger amount will be fine.
The muffins in these photos baked for the full 25 minutes. These muffins are very soft because of the sour cream and yogurt. I like to use paper or foil muffin cup liners as it helps to keep the muffins moist and not dry out. It also avoids a longer cleaning time on the baking pan. Yes, I'd rather spend my time enjoying the muffins instead of cleaning up after them.
Denny's Summer Fresh Muffins
Makes: 12 large to 15 medium muffins
Photo by Denny Lyon
2 eggs
6 to 8 T. sugar (if you like sweeter use the 8 T.)
1/2 cup regular sour cream
1 1/2 cups low-fat vanilla yogurt
2 T. clarified butter
2 T. canola oil
2 2/3 cups flour, sifted
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup re-hydrated dried pineapple pieces, drained
Beat the eggs with a wire whisk until light. Add the sugar, sour cream, yogurt, butter and oil and stir well. Stir in the sifted flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
Fill paper muffin cups about 2/3 full, otherwise they spill over into a mess.
Bake at 400 degrees F. for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm.
Photo by Denny Lyon
By Denny Lyon
Copyright 18 July 2010
All Rights Reserved
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