
26 April 2010

Roundup of Late Nite Funnies: Colbert Lampoons Arizona Immigration Law

From Denny: Here's a fun sampling of the laugh out loud funnies going on over at The Social Poets on Mondays where I round up the late night jokes, political cartoons and funny videos lampooning something, someone and somewhere. It's a great way to get through the work week with a silly grin on your face. Maybe your boss will actually think you are enjoying your lame job - or looking at eight hours of porn on company time just like the weirdos over at the SEC. "Our government at work..." :)

David Letterman's Top Ten Goldman Sachs Excuses

10. Huh?

9. You're saying 'fraud' like it's a bad thing

8. Planned on using money to buy everyone in America delicious KFC Double Down sandwich

7. Distraught over George Lopez's move to midnight

6. We were framed by evil menswear company Goldman Slacks

5. Since when are financial institutions not allowed to screw their customers?

4. Hey sport, how much to make these questions go away?

3. America needed a villain both Republicans and Democrats can hate

2. Everyone we ripped off got an 'I Got Cheated By Goldman Sachs' tote bag

1. Uhh, it's Obama's fault?

*** Colbert pokes jabs at the state of Arizona for passing controversial bold new immigration bill which basically legalizes the harassment of Latinos. Colbert thinks the new strategy is one to irritate and frustrate the Latino community to the point they will get fed up and leave on their own.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - No Problemo
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

*** For the full post full of late night jokes from all the guys, please visit:

Colbert Lampoons Immigration and Pot Smokers - Roundup of Late Nite Comedy 26 Apr 2010

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