
09 August 2016

Denny Lyon Gifts: New Design: Too Happy Octopus

Too Happy Octupus Shower Curtain

Too Happy Octopus Shower Curtain

Check out this happy octopus, a sci-fy thinker!

Denny Lyon Gifts: New Design: Too Happy Octopus:  From Denny:  It's summer and time to hit the beach!  Maybe if you are lucky enough to live in a place like Florida where the beach is year round, maybe not.  You can always bring the beach and the denizens of the ocean indoors with this fun design. 

This octopus is a real scify thinker and a happy guy sure to make you smile.  The design is on all manner of products at Cafe Press/DennyLyonGifts, from handbags and totes to t-shirts and bedding, posters too.  Take a look and enjoy browsing my Denny Lyon Gifts site.  All my profits go to two charities I really love:  St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital and the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank here in Louisiana (where they feed almost half of the state!)

Thanks for stopping by for a look and please be sure to pass the word on to your friends and relatives to help fund these charities!  Thank you!

Denny Lyon Gifts: New Design: Too Happy Octopus:  for more fun posts giving a shout out to newest designs!

Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  

Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  

* Check out Dennys News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food - a place where all my other many blogs link so you can choose from among the latest posts all in one place.  A free to read online newspaper from independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. * 

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

23 July 2016

The Social Poets: Freaky Friday: Comic Jimmy Fallon Mocks Donald Trump GOP Convention Entrance

The Social Poets: Freaky Friday: Comic Jimmy Fallon Mocks Donald Trump GOP Convention Entrance: From Denny:  Donald Trump should have figured it out by now that the only guys who can out showbiz him are the comedians.  Jimmy Fallon never disappoints, irreverent as always and spot on accurate.

Just in case any of our fellow Americans living overseas missed this funny because you are living in a country of heavy censorship, I'm putting this one up for you.  (So far, none of my blogs have landed on a censorship list in some foreign country because I'm too small to notice. ) For all the rest of us, it's good to laugh yet again even if you have seen this clip a hundred times.  It just possesses that lasting quality.

Donald Trump really is just too full of himself.  It's like he has appointed himself dictator, but more on that later about what has been popping up in the news that could be prove quite chilling if he were actually elected and propelled into the White House.

Meanwhile, let's just get a well deserved laugh on Freaky Friday here because Donald Trump really does fly his Freak Flag a little too often.  But the Comedy Gods are keeping him somewhat humble.  Check out Jimmy Fallon's rendition...

Read on to view the hilarious video clip at my other blog for political humor:  The Social Poets: Freaky Friday: Comic Jimmy Fallon Mocks Donald Trump GOP Convention Entrance

Midnight Busy Ocean Earring

So much goes on beneath the ocean waves, another universe of interesting Life

Midnight Busy Ocean Iphone 6/6s Tough Case

Midnight Busy Ocean Iphone 6/6s Tough Case

Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new! 

 Subscribe in a reader to The Social Poets

* Check out Dennys News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food - a place where all my many blogs link so you can choose from among the latest posts all in one place. A free to read online newspaper from independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. * 

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

04 July 2016

A Truth Journal: Our Freedom: Living Courage, Dying For Honor: Celebrating Vietnam War USMC GSGT Charles "Chuck" Perkins

A Truth Journal: Our Freedom: Living Courage, Dying For Honor: Celebrating Vietnam War USMC GSGT Charles "Chuck" Perkins: From Denny:  Today is more than just that long needed holiday vacation with the family, fun backyard barbecues and country music festivals.  It's one of those few days of the year that Americans come together to remember the fallen in our too many wars over the past few centuries of our young country.

Some of those wars were justified for the greater good to bring back world peace.  Other wars spilled precious blood for nothing more than the Pentagon leaders' selfish need for personal glory and the just plain money-grubbing greed of business people:  otherwise known as war profiteers.

Profiteers and War and Bad Politics 

FYI, for those who don't remember or don't know:  The Vietnam War was a proxy war between the U. S. and Russia.  Russia backed North Vietnam and the U. S. backed South Vietnam.

"Feeding the Beast" of Russia with American Money 

Profiteers are still with us today, not just the Vietnam War era.  Take a look at how our current day Pentagon is busy "feeding the military beast" of Russia.  The latest nonsense is giving away half a billion dollars to the Russians in exchange for Russian rocket engines that you know Putin will sabotage.  Come on, really?  Putin is supposed to be under sanctions, and, yet, our Pentagon and Congress find a way to feed his ailing economy another $500 million???  The sanctions won't work as long as the Pentagon, Congress and Wall Street cockroach around them...

GO HERE to read full post.  It's a real eye-opener:  A Truth Journal: Our Freedom: Living Courage, Dying For Honor: Celebrating Vietnam War USMC GSGT Charles "Chuck" Perkins

Military Sacrifice Shower Curtain

"No sacrifice is ever left behind or forgotten - thank you." - denny lyon